People drink beer to have immediate fun and often don’t think about the consequences.
San Miguel, as a beer brand, wants to be a good pal that either have fun with or give the right advice.
Under alcool effect everyone can do silly choices that afterwards he might regret. The alcool can change
our perception of the reality and risk, which could be more or less dangerous.
A competition on social media platforms showcasing some of the “humorous” activities of ‘those under
the influence’. The campaign we designed to highlight the risk of not drinking responsibly. Each participant in the competition was taskedto develop a comic strip that told the story of the impact of getting drunk.
There was a toolkit available for them to use with characters, objects and animals to put into the comic strip,
or they could develop their own materials.The submissions were posted to San Miguel’s facebook page and
then we ran a public vote to select the best and most humorous submission.
People drink beer to have immediate fun and often don’t think about the consequences.
San Miguel, as a beer brand, wants to be a good pal that either have fun with or give the right advice.
Under alcool effect everyone can do silly choices that afterwards he might regret. The alcool can change
our perception of the reality and risk, which could be more or less dangerous.
A competition on social media platforms showcasing some of the “humorous” activities of ‘those under
the influence’. The campaign we designed to highlight the risk of not drinking responsibly. Each participant in the competition was taskedto develop a comic strip that told the story of the impact of getting drunk.
There was a toolkit available for them to use with characters, objects and animals to put into the comic strip,
or they could develop their own materials.The submissions were posted to San Miguel’s facebook page and
then we ran a public vote to select the best and most humorous submission.

Comunicazione Social
Creazione di App Facebook dove l'utente può combianre la birra SanMiguel con una delle tante simpatiche icone create per l'App.
Si avranno csì la possiblità di creare delle divertenti combinazioni che potranno essere personalizzate (sia nel testo che nella grafica e condivise con gli amici generando una forte comunicazione VIRALE.