DHL is the most popular delivery service in Italy. They are a trusted and respected brand,
but the Italian businesses are used to using DHL for deliveries just in Italy.
DHL is the most popular delivery service in Italy. They are a trusted and respected brand,
but the Italian businesses are used to using DHL for deliveries just in Italy.
Italian businesses had identified that an international market opportunity could be a quick win to drive
them through the economic downturn. Italy has a particular brand reputation and businesses could see
the opportunity to leverage the ‘MADE IN ITALY’ brand concept to harness commercial advantage.
Italian businesses had identified that an international market opportunity could be a quick win to drive
them through the economic downturn. Italy has a particular brand reputation and businesses could see
the opportunity to leverage the ‘MADE IN ITALY’ brand concept to harness commercial advantage.
The strategy was simple: ‘MADE IN ITALY’ selling Italian products all over the world, delivered by DHL.
How show to Italian businesses how easy to send their products abroad? A competition for young businessmen.
They had to choose a unknown italian product and come up with a business plan to export it abroad.
The best startup had won a DHL KIT, useful to set up a new company with DHL as partner.
The strategy was simple: ‘MADE IN ITALY’ selling Italian products all over the world, delivered by DHL.
How show to Italian businesses how easy to send their products abroad? A competition for young businessmen.
They had to choose a unknown italian product and come up with a business plan to export it abroad.
The best startup had won a DHL KIT, useful to set up a new company with DHL as partner.